
Javi C

A personal website for random thoughts and writings.

Crea mal arte

English text here Como escritor novel, siempre me enfrento a la dicotomía entre lo que quiero escribir y lo que realmente termino escribiendo. Lo primero, la idea que tengo en la cabeza, es clara y normalmente bien formada, con un ritmo fluido, personajes que saben lo que quieren y actúan con su propio criterio, y escenas concisas y nítidas. Lo segundo, la escritura sobre papel, suele ser bastante más confusa y caótica, con algunos pincelazos de buena prosa mezclados generosamente con frases torpes, palabras que no son las adecuadas, personajes a los que solo se les intuye una intención, y un ritmo que fluctúa entre la exposición dura, la acción a veces confusa, y detalles superfluos.

Create bad art

Texto en español aquí As a novice writer, I always face the dichotomy between what I want to write and what I actually end up writing. The first one, the idea that I have in my head, is clear and usually well-formed, with a smooth flow, characters that know what they want and act on their own judgment, and concise and sharp scenes. The second one, the words on paper, tends to be much more confusing and chaotic, with some pinches of good prose mixed generously with clumsy sentences, inappropriate words, characters that only imply an intention, and a rhythm that fluctuates between harsh exposition, unclear action at times, and superfluous details.

emacs config shared

I have shared my emacs config in codeberg: https://codeberg.org/jcastp/emacs.d After years of reading other people’s configs, copying really useful snippets, and a little bit of tinkering myself, I have finally taken the step to share my config. If I’ve learned something from other people’s examples, perhaps someone can get something useful from mine (and I hope so). The config is long, has many parts moving, things I use, things I don’t, code I still need to understand how it works but I know what it does, and there are some bits really tailored to myself, but I tried to document as much as possible why they are there and what they do.

How to create series in the LoveIt theme - Hugo

LoveIt is an amazing theme for Hugo; it has a lot of features, it’s slick, good looking, and I find it quite good for reading. That being said, it lacks something I needed: the ability to create series. After reading documentation and testing, I finally came up with something to get the series feature in LoveIt theme. Create the taxonomy A series is, in essence, a tag we apply to several pieces of related content, stating that they should be read in order.

How to verify Mastodon account in Hugo and LoveIt theme

I recently joined Mastodon, the open source and decentralized social network, quite similar to Twitter. One of the things you can do in Mastodon is to verify your account using an external resource, such as a blog or a domain. To do so, you have to insert a html code like this in your blog: <a rel="me" href="https://mastodon.online/@jcastp">Mastodon</a> and then add that blog URL in your Mastodon profile. Simple, right?

Migration from Pelican to Hugo

I recently migrated my blog from Pelican, a python based static site generator, to Hugo, based on Go. Why? Pelican is good, flexible and has many capabilities, but there were some updates that changed the behavior underneath, some themes got abandoned, and it required some time to have it work again as I want. Hugo means starting from zero, but it is well maintained and documented and, although I had to invest some time, I am now in a live platform, while Pelican seems to be going less and less maintained and used by the community.